Welcome! H-Squared offers several services. Whether you're looking for a website, a database, affordable aerial photography, or help with your personal computer, this is the place. H-Squared approaches things from a different perspective, how to make things more simple for YOU.

If you need a website, but don't know who to get as your host, where to purchase your domain name, or how to advertise...H-Squared will manage your entire online campaign while you sit back and enjoy your site.
Website Hosting/Design

Aerial images should be affordable and available to everyone. Have a farm, piece of property, or area you need an aerial image of? H-Squared's aerial photography is the most affordable way to get it done. You're not paying for fuel or pilots, all photos are taken remotely saving you a ton a money! Kite Aerial Photography

Don't know as much as you would like to about your home computer? Ask H-Squared! Not everyone was born to be on a computer, if you're having trouble accomplishing a task on your computer, get the help you need here. Home Computer Help

Some of the best places on the internet are here. Fun Stuff

Enjoy my current random image. Check back often, H-Squared is starting a new tradition!

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